Feast of the Red Robins
2022 - Malmö Konstmuseum Public Performance: Storytelling Folk Song Performance with handmade textile flags and hoodsThe Feast of the Red Robins is a fictional secret society dinner gathering that takes place once every 100 years at Malmö Castle where ‘The Red Robins’, who are a secret society of outlaws, discuss their plans to bring their own type of outlaw justice to the world. All of these outlaws have Robin Hood as their role model and although they all agree on that they have very different politics and views about how outlaw justice should be enacted. “Rob from the rich to give to the poor” for some outlaws it can be to “Rob from the poor to give to the rich”. The society is full of different takes on the original politics, from digital information cryptocurrency outlaws to decolonial warriors, from cultural appropriation outlaws to the popular politics Robin Hood. All we know about these mysterious figures is from the songs we sing and stories we tell about them. You are invited to come and hear these songs and listen to these stories.

Eight flags, hoods, and songs were created to represent eight members of the secret society. These songs were shared with seven artists/musicians to create their own version and story about these secret outlaws. It all culminated in a storytelling performance and musical presentation telling the stories and singing the songs of this fictional secret society and their dinner gathering : The Feast of the Red Robins.
Yasmine El Baramawy
Christopher Delamere
Lisa Isaksson
Anna Kinbom
John B McKenna
Rowan Rheingans
Jakob Stenseke
Emma Ribbing - Dancer
Yahia Najem - Singer
Yasmine El Baramawy
Christopher Delamere
Lisa Isaksson
Anna Kinbom
John B McKenna
Rowan Rheingans
Jakob Stenseke
Emma Ribbing - Dancer
Yahia Najem - Singer