The Audible Transitional Object

2019 - IAC, Malmö / NTS / Resonance FM / Radiophrenia Glasgow /CLICK Festival, Denmark
: A Project by John B McKenna & Francis Patrick Brady

John B McKenna and Francis Patrick Brady created a series of musical workshops based around the theories of the musician and play psychologist Leif JF Callioscott. They worked over several months at the InterArtsCenter in Malmö to create a public workshop where we invited both children and adults to play together through music and fantasy realms. These experiments led to the creation of a radioplay which appeared on Resonance FM, Radiophrenia Glasgow and NTS radio. In preparation for the main event we did 10 workshops with adults at PLX: Hotellet.  

An instructional tape was released of our workshop for people to play at home

Purchase here


Leif JF Callioscott was the first project released by “FOUNDATION OF THE TEACHEROCK” which is a music, art and performance platform that deals with collaborative projects involving play, sound and pedagogy. 

See MIMA LARP for the second project from the FOUNDATION OF THE TEACHEROCK.