A Larp (Live Action Role Play) created for a record and to be played with an Artificial Intelligence called MIMA

A record made by UNDERMEDVETENHETEN, John B Mckenna, release by Kit Records, Lost Map Records & ‘Foundation of the Teacherock’. Mima and the Larp insert created in collaboration with Francis Patrick Brady.

The insert for the record is a role playing game designed to played along with the record and with the help of an online Artificial Intelligence called MIMA. The concept is loosely based on the epic science fiction poem ‘Aniara’ by Swedish Author Harry Martinson from 1956. It follows the crew of a vessel that are stranded on an almost infinite journey in space and how the help of an onboard intelligence called MIMA helps soothe and console the earthly passengers.

You can chat with the online constantly evolving presence that is MIMA here : 


You can purchase a copy of the LARP and Album together here or request a paper copy of the Larp from me directly.