Opening speech at the eighth World Futurological Congress at the Hotel Hilton Costa Rica in 2039

2013 Utopographies : Evaluation, Consensus & Location
Chelsea College of Art, Triangle space
Participatory Workshops, Screenings & Lectures

Speculative Pervasive Game
Staged at the Utopographies conference in March of 2014 at Chelsea School of Art & Design Triangle Space 'The Futurological Congress L.A.R.P.' was a Live Action Role Playing (LARP) performance. Based upon the satirical science fiction novel by the Polish Author Stanislaw Lem, the LARP attempts to facilitate a physical retelling of elements from the book by allowing participants to embody 'Futurologists' who are attending the fictional conference.

Created with help from: Mario D'Agostino, Hannah Clayden, Simon Clear, Jake Caleb
Hand-out text